Monday, June 8, 2009

Hiroshima- No Pika By Toshi Maruki

Monday, June 8, 2009

I am disgusted and saddened to hear about Laura Ling and Euna Lee, two American jounalists who were sentenced to 12 years in labor camps in North Korea. These labor camps subject their prisoners to frequent and inhumane beatings, work and often starvation. North Korea has been a disgrace. At the turn of 2009 they began launching nuclear weapons in forms of "tests". What are they testing though? Why? Have they forgotten what happened nearly 64 years ago across the East Sea?! How could anyone forget? So many dead - if they were lucky. The day of the flash will vex me until the end of time. Walking among the dead through the rubble of my beloved Hiroshima, Japan is the nightmare that haunts me during the day.

What is the need for these catastrophic contraptions? I remember telling my daughter as we lit our lanterns in rememberance of my husband and others who were so painfully erradicated from the earth, that this could never happen again if no one drops the bomb. Now, I am fraught with worry and anger. Worried that my nightmare may become anothers reality. Worried that more husbands, mothers, sons and daughters will be ripped apart and besieged from the horror that may be. How can we not learn from the tragic pasts? Have people really forgotten? Was my husbands life a meaningless pawn in the game of chess that North Korea has reduced this to be?

1 comment:

  1. Really neat job including current events into your blog!
